
Seeds and Sustainability: Maize pathways in Kenya

Nuevo video del STEPS Centre en el cual se muestran distintos personajes -entre ellos un campesino, un científico, un regulador y un analista de políticas semilleras- que tienen distintas visiones sobre cómo asegurar semillas para los campesinos cultuvadores de maíz en áreas propensas a la sequía en Kenya.

We are delighted to announce the launch of the second of two new films from the STEPS Centre. “Seeds and Sustainability” brings together an engaging cast of characters including a farmer, a scientist, a regulator and a seed policy analyst. Each has a different view about how best to secure seeds for farmers growing maize – Kenya’s key staple crop – in drought-prone regions of the country.

The film shows how informal seed systems, as well as formal ones, work for food security in these areas. It shows how policy changes underway could have serious impacts on farmers struggling for sustainability in a changing climate.

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